How the Grading system works – continuous improvements and milestones

Dinky Grading

Dinky grading (for students under 6 years of age) is done at the dojo level by the dojo head and students are required to complete all 8 levels of the dinky grading. Students are awarded a coloured stripe that is to be worn on the end of the white belt (on the non-label end) to indicated the required level of the dinky grade. A student ought to be able to perform at least the first 9 moves of heian shodan at level 8 (black stripe) of the dinky grading.

Junior Belt Grading

Junior belt grading (for students over 6 years of age) is outlined in the membership book. The grading is done at the dojo level by the dojo head and students are awarded the belt level according to the belt syllabus. Students are required to be able to perform the full kata as per the syllabus when belt colour is changed to a new level.

Kyu Grading

Kyu grading (for adult students and/or beginner students over 12 years of age) is outlined in the membership book. The kyu grading is done at the dojo level by the dojo head and students are awarded the belt level according to the belt syllabus. Students are required to be able to perform the full kata as per the syllabus when belt colour is changed to a new level.

Dan Grading

Dan grading is outlined in the membership book. The IJKA SA chief instructor, together with an authorised panel of senior examiners, conducts Dan grading at national level up to 3rd Dan (sandan). 1st Dan (shodan) candidates must be 12 years of age or more, with no less than 5 years of continuous training preceding the date of the grading. 2nd Dan (nidan) candidates must be 15 years of age or more and 3rd Dan (sandan) candidates must be 18 years of age or more. Candidates attempting the grade of 3rd Dan (sandan), must also submit a written thesis (capable of being demonstrated) on the candidate’s personal research on their favourite technique. Dan grading of students 4th Dan (yondan) and above is conducted at international level.

Intervals between Dan grading

2nd Dan – 2 years consecutive training after receiving 1st Dan (15+ years of age)
3rd Dan – 3 years consecutive training after receiving 2nd Dan (18+ years of age)
4th Dan – 4 years consecutive training after receiving 3rd Dan
5th Dan – 5 years consecutive training after receiving 4th Dan
6th Dan – 6 years consecutive training after receiving 5th Dan
7th Dan – 7 years consecutive training after receiving 6th Dan
8th Dan – 8 years consecutive training after receiving 7th Dan
9th Dan – 9 years consecutive training after receiving 8th Dan
10th Dan – 10 years consecutive training after receiving 9th Dan

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